The Special Olympics Iowa family would like to thank Norm Johnson for his service Johnson_Norm_09241963and dedication as the North Area Director for the state of Iowa. Norm will be moving into a position with the YMCA in Louisville, Kentucky after July 22.

Norm has been involved with Special Olympics in high school and college in both Iowa and South Dakota. He ran the very first powerlifting event for the South Dakota State Games and went on to coach the South Dakota delegation for the World Games in 1995 in New Haven, Connecticut.

There is a lot he will miss about working with SOIA. “Working with the athletes, and giving them a venue and platform to compete is the best. I also really enjoyed bringing our volunteers together to support the various activities, and seeing their genuine enthusiasm and support for the athletes,” he says.

With dedication to SOIA, athletes, parents and volunteers, Norm will be missed. SOIA wishes him the very best of luck in all his future endeavors. We know he will continue to promote the power of INCLUSION.

Norm and athletes