It is our hope that student leaders will be as creative and innovative as possible as they develop project plans to help their schools become more inclusive of individuals of ALL ABILITIES. Below are the levels of funding support as well as criteria that the projects MUST include.
Funding Support Levels:
- Unified Sports; $150
- Unified Youth Leadership; $150
- Whole School Engagement; $150
***Schools may apply for 1 or more Funding Support Levels***
***Funding is awarded to individual schools, not to students***
These projects must:
- Be student lead
- Be Creative & Innovative
- Have students submit the application (with teacher guidance & support)
- Support at least one or more of the three UCS components
- Be completed no later than the end of the 2020-2021 school year (funding fully spent)
- Have student leaders reporting their programming activities and participation numbers monthly
Application closes on Friday, January 15, 2021