Knights of Columbus Award
Volunteer who best exemplified the dedication and unselfish efforts associated with the true spirit of Special Olympics
Athlete of the Year
Male and female athletes who epitomize the spirit of true winners by their willingness to help others and give
their best while displaying outstanding courage & sportsmanship
Coach of the Year
Volunteer who best demonstrates the high degree of technical skill, commitment and compassion needed to motivate and train athletes for competition and life
Outstanding Family
Family that make unique and lasting contributions to the lives of individuals with ID through SOIA and have at least one family member who is a SOIA athlete
Outstanding Adult Volunteer
Adult volunteer who serves to improve the quality of SO at the local, area or state level
Outstanding Youth Volunteer
Youth volunteer who serves to improve the quality of SO at the local, area or state level
Outstanding Unified Champion School®
Unified Champion School® that goes above and beyond to brings students with and without intellectual disabilities together through education, sports and youth leadership to provide them with the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to create and sustain school communities that promote acceptance and respect.